P2P Session: AI in Evaluation – Guiding Principles and Practical Recommendations
P2P Advisory Session on "Unlocking Impact: How to Design and Implement Effective Evaluations"
December 2024
5th Asia Pacific Winter School 2024
The 5th Asia Pacific Winter School for Young and Emerging Evaluators, 2024, organized by EvalYouth Asia, a regional chapter of the EvalYouth Global Network. This in-person Winter School was held on 30 November and 1st December 2024 in Ramada Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
This event will be held in conjunction with the Academic Symposium on M&E Education, organized by the Center for Evaluation, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, in collaboration with the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA) and the Consortium of Academic Institutions. It was an excellent opportunity for YEEs to learn from experts in the field, gain practical experience, and network with peers from across the region. The 5th Asia Pacific Winter School is specifically focused on providing practical evaluation skills and will cover a range of topics related to evaluation practice and methodology.
12th Follow Up Training for Asia Pacific Evaluation Winter School and Fall School Participants
11th Follow Up Training for Asia Pacific Evaluation Winter School and Fall School Participants (part of Youth in Evaluation Week 2024)
P2P Session by EYA - Career 101, Breaking Barriers: Advancing Your Career from National to International
P2P Session by EYA - SDG evaluation: What’s the traits and challenges of it?
10th Follow Up Training for Asia Pacific Evaluation Winter School and Fall School Participants
P2P Session - Empowering Global South Evaluators in International Development
The 4th Asia Pacific Winter School 2023
The 4th Asia Pacific Winter School 2023 is one-day training organized by EvalYouth Asia during the 4th APEA Conference 2023 in Manila, Philippines, garnered significant interest from young and emerging evaluators across the Asia Pacific region. A total of 28 participants from 12 different countries enthusiastically attended the enriching program. Representing a wide spectrum of geographical locations and backgrounds, the participants hailed from Mongolia, various Pacific Islands like Micronesia, Fiji, and Tonga, as well as South Asian regions like India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. Additionally, evaluators from Southeastern countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, the Philippines, and even the Netherlands were present. This diversity catalyzed cultural cross-learning, promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing among participants from across the Asia Pacific region and beyond.
The cohort exhibited a rich diversity in terms of age, with evaluators ranging from as young as 18 to as experienced as 37. With an average age of 28.92 years, the participants brought a dynamic mix of experiences and perspectives to the table. Among the 28 attendees, there were 19 females, 8 males, and one non-binary individual, contributing to a vibrant and inclusive learning environment. The diversity among participants fostered meaningful interactions and exchanges of ideas, enhancing the overall learning experience during the Winter School. This inclusivity and range of experiences underscored the event's success in creating a collaborative and engaging platform for emerging evaluators in the region.
9th Follow Up Training for Asia Pacific Evaluation Winter School and Fall School Participants
8th Follow Up Training for Asia Pacific Evaluation Winter School and Fall School Participants
APEA Small Grants Project for Young & Emerging Evaluators
To forge career pathways for YEEs and deliver on the target outcomes of the Asia Pacific Regional Strategy; the APEA, in coordination with PHILDEV and EvalYouth Asia, supported four EvalYouth National Chapters in Asia Pacific (EY Sri Lanka, EY Bhutan, EY India and EY Bhutan) to conduct in-country, in-person career development or capacity building activity for YEEs in the region using ME_YEE. Along with the event, EvalYouth Chapters are expected to take the gatherings as an opportunity to discuss the importance of YEE engagement in evaluation and introduction of the M&E field in the country’s local context. Youth in Evaluation Study with European Evaluation Society The EES/APEA webinar on Authentic Youth Participation in Monitoring and Evaluation was held on Tuesday, April 25th at 7.30 PM IST. The presentation of this study was conducted by Raquel Santiago, EES and Randika De Mel, APEA. And this webinar was moderated by Hasithi Samarasinghe, EYA.
7th Follow up Training for Asia Pacific Evaluation Winter School and Fall School Participants
6th Follow up Training for Asia Pacific Evaluation Winter School and Fall School Participants
The 3rd Asia Pacific Winter School for YEEs
Following the previous two Winter Schools, the Third Asia Pacific Virtual Winter School for Young & Emerging Evaluators was held 8-10 December 2022. Forty three (43) YEEs from 18 countries completed the 3-day training sponsored by the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA). The 3rd Winter School for YEEs was organized by EvalYouth Asia (EYA) in partnership with APEA, Sri Lanka Evaluation Association, Evaluation Community of India, United Nations Population Fund, Philippine Evaluators for Development, EvalYouth India, EvalYouth Sri Lanka, EvalYouth Afghanistan, Evalyouth Pakistan, EvalYouth Bhutan, EvalYouth Nepal, EvalYouth Sri Lanka, EvalYouth Indonesia, EvalYouth Pacific, EvalYouth Philippines, EvalYouth Pacific, EvalYouth Australia and New Zealand and the Center for Evaluation/ University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
The fifth follow up training for winter school participants
The fourth follow up training for winter school participants on '' Gender Responsive Evaluation''
The third follow up training for winter school participants on ''The 2030 Agenda and Its M&E Tools''
The Launch of EvalYouth Pacific The launch of EvalYouthPacific was successfully held on 11th August with the participation of YEEs from EvalYouth country, regional, and global chapters and professionals, VOPE members across the globe. This is the nineth EvalYouth chapter in the Asia Pacific region.
The second session of Follow up Training for Asia Pacific Winter School participants
This session on ''Logical Framework as a Tool for M&E'' was held on 10th August at 9.30 AM with the participation of alumni of Winter Schools.
Follow Up Training for Asia Pacific Winter School Participants May 2022 This is organized by the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association in partnership with EvalYouth Asia, EvalYouth Global, and Asia Pacific Communication Hub. This training is conducted for participants from the Winter Schools (March and December 2021) in order to further enhance their knowledge and skills in evaluation and to keep them engaged in the field of evaluation. The first session was taken place as a virtual session on Wednesday, 11th May from 9.30 am to 10.30 am IST.
The Second Asia Pacific Winter School for YEEs
After successfully completing the first-ever Virtual Winter School for YEEs in March 2021, the second Asia Pacific Virtual Winter School 2021 for Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) was held from 17-19 December 2021. This was organized by Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA) in partnership with EvalYouth Asia (EYA), Evalyouth Global, United Nations Population Fund. Sri Lanka Evaluation Association (SLEvA), Evaluation Community of India (ECOI), EvalYouth Sri Lanka, EvalYouth India, EvalYouth Afghanistan, EvalYouth Pakistan,EvalYouth Nepal, EvalYouth Bhutan Evalyouth Philippines, Evalyouth Indonesia, EvalYouth Pacific and the Center for Evaluation at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura. The Winter School for YEEs was part of an activity in the Asia Pacific Regional Evaluation Strategy, specifically under the theme of Promoting Young and Emerging Evaluators in the Asia Pacific region. The purpose of the Asia Pacific Winter School was to provide an opportunity for YEEs in the Asia Pacific to become competent, experienced and well-networked professionals who contribute to evaluation capacity at national, regional and international levels in future. Download report
The first ever Asia Pacific Virtual Winter School 2020
The first ever Asia Pacific Virtual Winter School 2020 for Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) was held from 29th to 31st March 2021. It was organized by EvalYouth Asia (EYA) in partnership with Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA), Sri Lanka Evaluation Association (SLEvA), Evaluation Community of India (ECOI), EvalYouth Sri Lanka, EvalYouth India, EvalYouth Afghanistan, EvalYouth Pakistan and the Center for Evaluation at University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Recordings of first Winter School for YEEs