Asia Pacific Evaluation Association in the context of the Eval4Action Campaign initiates a Blog and a Vlog on the APEA website. APEA invites interested authors to write a blog to be published on the APEA website. Our goal is to create a repository of ideas, thoughts and knowledge on utilizing evaluation as an accelerator to achieve the SDGs. We hope to hear your voice!
Anyone can express his or her interest to write a blog for the campaign. Whether you are an evaluator, an expert in any field related to the SDGs, youth and/or young and emerging, you can write a blog, both as an organization or as an individual. Multiple co-authors may also develop a blog in a participatory manner.
If interested, email us at apea.secretariat@gmail.com
Invitation for Authors to write Blogs for APEA

Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA) is regional voluntary organization that committed to improve the theory, practice, use and institutions of evaluation across the Asia Pacific Region. Our members are national and thematic voluntary evaluation associations and we represent 40+ countries in the region. APEA is a proud partner of the Eval4Action Campaign.
Asia Pacific Evaluation Association in the context of the Eval4Action Campaign initiates a Blog and a Vlog on the APEA website. APEA invites interested authors to write a Blog to be published on the APEA website. Our goal is to create a repository of ideas, thoughts and knowledge on utilizing evaluation as an accelerator to achieve the SDGs.
We hope to hear your voice!
APEA accept blogs from evaluators, an experts in any field related to the SDGs, youths and/or young and emerging evaluators. Individuals, organizations or multiple co-authors are also eligible to submit Blogs / Vlogs.
Your Blog / Vlog will be published on asiapacificeval.org and will be promoted through social media. Please note that the content of the Blog is the responsibility of the author(s) and does not necessarily reflect the views of APEA.
For further information, please contact APEA Coordinator at apea.coordinator@gmail.com with the subject line “APEA Blog”. Please refer guidelines and standards for Blogs / Vlogs for more information.
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