#EachoneTeachone Campaign

‘Each One Teach One’ is a call to action to meaningfully engage the community in evaluation, as the community brings in new ideas, simple and fundamentals of evaluation. The campaign calls to the evaluators, community leaders, and the general public that commits them to recognize the role of community ownership in evaluation, and to raise awareness and enhance knowledge through their real and meaningful engagement. Each One Teach One campaign supports the regional advocacy efforts for influential evaluation, including for strengthening community ownership in evaluation. We are actively engaging in this drive and we hope you will join us to support and mobilize your network as well. The “Each One Teach One” drive is open to everyone!


The campaign was launched online on 06 July 2022 at 6 pm IST organized by Strengthening Community Ownership in Evaluation Theme Group of APEA, APC Hub and #Eval4Action Campaign.


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