Projects with Partners

Ongoing Projects

Completed Projects

19th Official Development Assistance (ODA) Evaluation Workshop

Duration: January - February 2024

Donors & Partners: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Project Description:

This was jointly hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association and was held on 27 - 28 February 2024. In this online workshop, participants were expected to share their knowledge and experiences related to evaluation on ODA and National Development Plan and to discuss evaluation topics in the Asia-Pacific region.

The workshop was a unique opportunity for government officials and experts of partner countries who were responsible for implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of ODA and/or National Development Plan to share experiences and identify further actions regarding evaluation. Participation in this workshop was by invitation only.

EvalIndigeneous Ford Foundation Project

Duration:  February to December 2023

Donors & Partners: Ford Foundation, EvalIndigenous

Project Description: The long-term goal of the EvalIndigeneous Ford Foundation Project is for concepts, theories and practices of Indigenous evaluators and knowledge holders are curated and disseminated for a global audience of Indigenous peoples, evaluation funders and decision-makers, to strengthen demand for culturally responsive Indigenous evaluation practices. The medium term outcomes of the project are as follows:

  1. Knowledge base for Indigenous evaluation is strengthened
  2. Culturally responsive Indigenous evaluation practice spreads
  3. Development of local Indigenous evaluation protocols increases
  4. Collaboration and knowledge sharing among Indigenous evaluators grows
  5. Global national evaluation systems and policies increasingly recognize and support Indigenous evaluation practices

For the Asia Pacific Region, Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA) will be implementing the project activities for the EvalIndigneous Ford Foundation grant project on “Evalindigneous to index and promote indigenous approaches in service of equity-centered evaluation.”

APEA will be carrying out the key project objectives for the Asia Pacific Region as follows:

  1. Researching indigeneity and decolonizing evaluation through the establishment of a web-based directory of indigenous evaluators (Atlas project) and by facilitating the development of local indigenous evaluation protocols and agreements
  2. Amplifying indigenous evaluation project practice by curating the voices of more indigenous knowledge holders and indigenous evaluators
  3. Strengthening creative partnerships by providing seed funding for collaborative projects and encouraging peer-to-peer (P2) collaborations

Project Update

Establish a web-based directory of Indigenous evaluators to enable evaluation commissioners and contractors to locate local evaluation expertise

The APEA team developed the web-based directory of indigenous evaluators survey and was released to VOPEs and APEA network in early March (Survey Link: The purpose of this survey is to gather information about indigenous evaluators and evaluators working in indigenous contexts and their experiences in the Asia Pacific Region. 

The web-based directory of indigenous evaluators can be accessed here: 

Creating a Indigenous Evaluation Toolkit to facilitate the development of local Indigenous evaluation protocols and agreements
EvalIndigenous Voices Project
Seed Grant Funding for Collaborative Projects

The purpose of the seed grants is to contribute to knowledge transfer activities (in person workshops, trainings, webinar,  zoom meetings etc.) that promote the agenda of EvalIndigenous and strengthen community ownership in evaluation with indigenous communities in the Asia Pacific Region. Below are the winners of the seed grants. 

  1. Community of Evaluators Nepal
  2. Nepal Evaluation Society
  3. EvalYouth Pacific
  4. Kalahan Educational Foundation, Philippines


Progress of Grant Winners

1. Community of Evaluators Nepal

A one-day workshop on Indigenous Evaluation in Nepal was organized by Community of Evaluation – Nepal (CoE-Nepal) with the support of Asia-Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA), EvalIndigenous, and EvalPartners. The workshop was held physically on Sunday, 6th August 2023 at Hotel Pension Vasana, Kathmandu, Nepal. The primary language for the deliberation of the workshop was in Nepali.


The total number of 31 candidates were selected to participate the workshop among the total number of 42 applications received. The selection process was done following the below criteria:

  1. Indigenous evaluators, 
  2. Evaluators working with indigenous communities,
  3. Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs), and 
  4. Evaluation experts & practitioners who are interested in promoting indigenous evaluation practices

There were total of 37 attendees in the workshop, where 27 were participants among the selected candidates and 10 resource persons.

Download Report Document


2. Kalahan Educational Foundation

Kalahan Educational Foundation held the Intergenerational Tongtongan for the Continuity of the Ikalahan Heritage at Dagwey Training Center, Imugan, Santa Fe, Nueva Vizcaya, on August 17-18, 2023


In this workshop, the Ikalahan elders were tasked to enumerate the ways on which the IKSP were transferred when they were young people. Then they were asked to if these methods are still effective today. Most of them agreed that these methods such as storytelling, usage of the Kalanguya language at home and the role of Kalahan Academy (the IP school of the community). However, the elders also agreed that some of the methods of transfer of knowledge is not effective in nowadays. Methods such as participative observation in the traditional swidden farming and demonstration of food preparation are not much effective nowadays because very few families practice swidden farming and few youth are engaged in the process. The youth and the elders were also asked to enumerate certain activities that they are currently doing as well as new means or methods to strengthen the knowledge transfer. Several activities were raised such as the establishment of demo farm, documentation of stories and seminars and workshops.

Download Report Document


3. EvalYouth Pacific

The 2 days knowledge sharing workshop on indigenous evaluation conducted on the 20th – 21st September 2023 went according to plan. Although 41 participants confirmed their participation, only 21 participants showed up during the 2 days’ workshop, however, there were good representation from the civil society, university students, donor partners, government, private sector, and academia. The discussions were very rich as it offered insights and knowledge on indigenous “ways of knowing “frameworks and research methodologies in the Vanua, most especially on understanding their practices, functionality, significance, and applicability in development or mainstream evaluations.


Download Report Document.


4. Nepal Evaluation Society

The Orientation Program on Evaluation for the Parliamentarians from the Indigenous Nationalities held in Kathmandu, Nepal, on August 13, 2023. The Orientation program was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Honorable Deputy Speaker Ms Indira Rana, by lighting the traditional lamp of Nepal, known as ‘Twadeba’. This inauguration session was chaired by Dr. Bhuban B Bajracharya, Chairperson of the Nepal Evaluation Society. We had our special guest in Honorable Member of National Planning Commission Dr. Ram Kumar Phuyal.


.Download Report Document

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Collaborations


Asia Pacific - Small Grants Project for Young & Emerging Evaluators (YEEs)

Duration: October 2022 to September 2023

Partners: Philippine Evaluators for Development (PHILDEV) and EvalYouth Asia

Project Description: 

The Global Evaluation Agenda 2016-2020 underscores the need to strengthen evaluation culture by enhancing institutional and individual capacities, especially in the context of the transformative Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite this, Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) in the Asia Pacific face barriers such as limited capacity development opportunities and a lack of access to professional platforms and mentorship.

To forge career pathways for YEEs and deliver on the target outcomes of the Asia Pacific Regional Strategy; the APEA, in coordination with Philippine Evaluators for Development (PHILDEV) and EvalYouth Asia, intended to support THREE to FIVE EvalYouth National Chapters or YEE networks in Asia Pacific to conduct an in-country, in-person career development or capacity building activity for YEEs in the region using ME_YEE through this call for applications.

From 10  applications received, 4 YEE organizations were selected, namely:
1. EvalYouth Bhutan
2. EvalYouth India
3. EvalYouth Sri Lanka
4. EvalYouth Pakistan

Chapter's Progress

IPDET On-Site Training 2023 for Parliamentarians & Parliament Research Staff in Asia Pacific

Duration: October 2022 to April 2023

Donors & Partners: Funded by International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET)

Partnered with Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA), Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation (GPFE) and the Asia Pacific Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation (APPFE)

Project Description: As a follow up to the Virtual International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET) in 2021, IPDET together with the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association, Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation, and the Asia Pacific Parliamentarians Forum For Evaluation organized an on-site four-day evaluation capacity building training for Parliamentarians and Parliament Research Staff from the Asia Pacific Region. The training was held from 27th to 30th March 2023 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. We expect around 40 Parliamentarians and Parliament staff from Asia Pacific will participate in this training in Colombo. 

This workshop drew attention to the usefulness of evaluation results for parliamentary work as well as deepen and expand the knowledge gained in the first virtual workshop series. Not least with the aim of leaving evaluation not only as an administrative tool to the executive branch, but also to use it for legislative purposes. The main topics covered during the training were as follows:

  • Use of evaluations for evidence-based policy and societal development
  • How to ask evidence-based questions
  • How to understand the key messages in an evaluation report

The Final Evaluation Report:

Press release:

Press release for Parliament Session:

IPDET Event Photos


18th Official Development Assistance (ODA) Evaluation Workshop

Duration: January - February 2023

Donors & Partners: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Project Description: This was jointly hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association was held on 8 - 9 February 2023. In this online workshop, participants were expected to share their knowledge and experiences related to evaluation on ODA and National Development Plan and to discuss evaluation topics in the Asia-Pacific region.

The workshop was a unique opportunity for government officials and experts of partner countries who are responsible for implementation, monitoring and evaluation of ODA and/or National Development Plan to share experiences and identify further actions regarding evaluation. Participation of this workshop was by invitation only


Policy Evaluation Fall School 2022

Duration: July 2022 to October 2022


Donors & Partners: Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


Partnered with Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office, NITI Aayog and Asia Pacific Communication Hub (APC Hub)


Project Description: This was held virtually on 6th, and 7th October 2022 from 3.30 PM IST to 6.30 PM IST and 8th October from 10.00 AM IST to 1.00 PM IST. The main objectives of the Fall School were to understand the importance of focusing on results in development interventions, to use OECD/DAC evaluation criteria for critical reflection of development interventions, and to understand the importance of using evaluative evidence for policy decisions. Seventy eight participants successfully completed the Fall School 2022.


Summary Report


Session Recordings:

Follow Up Training for Winter School Participants 2022 (YEEs)

Duration: July 2022 to October 2022


Donors & Partners: Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Partnered with EvalYouth Asia, EvalYouth Global, Eval4Action Campaign, and the Asia Pacific Communication Hub (APC Hub)


Project Description: A series of Follow Up Training for Asia Pacific Winter School Participants (Alumni) 2021 has been organized by APEA with the support of the other partners. The main outcomes of this workshop were to enhance the knowledge and skills of YEEs on evaluation and to strengthen the YEEs network in Asia Pacific. The resource person for the training series is Gabriela Renteria, Chair of EvalYouth Global.


The completed and planned trainings are as follows:
1. The First Follow Up Training for Asia Pacific Winter School Participants 2021 was held on Wednesday, 11th May 2022 at 9.30 AM IST on the Different Journeys of Evaluators and Tips for YEEs.
2. The Second Follow Up Training for Asia Pacific Winter School Participants 2021 was held on Wednesday, 10th August 2022 at 9.30 AM IST on the Logical Framework as a Tool for M&E.
3. The Third Follow Up Training for Asia Pacific Winter School Participants 2021 was held on Wednesday, 7th September 2022 at 9.30 AM IST on the 2030 Agenda and its M&E Tools.
4. The Fourth Follow Up Training for Asia Pacific Winter School Participants 2021 was held on Wednesday, 23rd November 2022 at 9.30 AM IST on Gender and Evaluation

5. The Fifth Follow Up Training for Asia Pacific Winter School Participants 2021 and 2022 was held on 1t February 2023 at 9.30 AM IST on Participatory Evaluation - A way of evaluation for co-production

Establish inter- regional virtual career resource hub for monitoring and evaluation

Duration: From 1 June 2021 to 31 December 2021

Donors & Partners: Funded by EvalPartners - Peer to Peer Grant Program 2021
Partners with Philippines Evaluators for Development [PHILDEV], EvalYouth Asia, EvalYouth Sri Lanka, Asia Pacific Communication Hub [APC Hub]

Project Description: The project aimed to develop and establish an inter- regional virtual career resource hub (a website) for monitoring and evaluation for Young and Emerging Evaluators (YEEs) within the context of promoting, supporting, and facilitating YEEs career development support. One of the objectives of establishing M&E Career Resource Hub is to create a live forum for learning and sharing that entails use of Evaluative Evidence. The development of the virtual resource hub was supported by the findings of the study of existing virtual resource hubs for M&E and the suggestions from a stakeholder consultation held virtually with the participation of invited M&E professionals across the globe.


17th Official Development Assistance (ODA) Evaluation Workshop

Duration: January – February 2022


Donors & Partners: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan


Project Description: This was jointly hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA), and was successfully held February 2nd -3rd, 2022. The on-line workshop was attended by55 officials from 25 countries and 3 international & regional organizations. Workshop consisted of four sessions and APEA led the fourth session of the workshop. During the two day workshop, topical and interesting topics relating to evaluation were discussed and various practices and experiences were shared among participants.

