Asela Kalugampitiya
President | Asela is a Sri Lankan lawyer, past President of both Sri Lanka Evaluation Association (2019-2023) and the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (2020-2023). He holds a PhD in evaluation and a Master of Evaluation from University of Saarland, Germany. He serves as the Director - Center for Evaluation, University of Sri Jayewardenepura (USJ). He is a visiting lecturer of the Post Graduate Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation of USJ and Master of Evaluation course run by the University of Saarland. Asela was instrumental in launching the Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation. |

Keiko Nishino Vice President | Keiko Nishino serves as Board member for the Japan Evaluation Society (JES). She holds a master’s degree in international relations from the School of Advanced International Studies, John's Hopkins University, USA. She is also a professor at the School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU), Japan with specialization of International Relations, International Cooperation and related subjects. She is also an Associate Dean for the UN and Foreign Affairs Studies Programme Office of KGU. She started her career with the United Nations Children's Fund in Bangladesh. After serving for UNICEF for ten years, she established a consultancy firm and actively involved in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating of international cooperation projects for more than twenty years. |
Qudratullah JahidVice President | Qudratullah Jahid is an accomplished monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning specialist with a strong background in bilateral and multilateral development organisations, including DFAT, USAID, the World Bank and UN agencies in the Asia Pacific. His focus areas include MEL frameworks and systems, third-party monitoring, mixed methods evaluations, and evaluation capacity building. In 2013, Qudratullah co-founded the Afghan Evaluation Society, a national organization dedicated to promoting the MEL agenda in Afghanistan. He has been part of initiatives enhancing transparency and accountability in the development sector. His key volunteer focus has been building young professionals' capacity through the EvalYouth Global Network, where he has served as a Board Member. Qudratullah currently lives in Melbourne and works as an independent MEL consultant. He has been a Board Member/Vice President at the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association since 2022, currently serving his second term (2024-2025). |

Bhuban Bajracharya Secretary | Bhuban is an independent development economist. Currently, he is serving as a School Education Capacity Development and Governance Specialist for SSDP TA Facility Project. He is the Founder Executive Member of Institute of Governance and Development. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in economics from Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University, India. Formerly, he was Professor of economics at the Center for Economic Development and Administration, a research organization of Tribhuban University. He has more than 40 years of experiences in research and consultancy and completed several assignments particularly in the fields of planning, poverty analysis, economic and sectoral policy analysis, fiscal policy analysis, monitoring and evaluation, and socio-economic analysis. He is actively involved in the planning and policy making process of the government of Nepal. He has served National Planning Commission and Ministry of Finance as their senior economic adviser on different occasions. Besides providing services to various government organizations, he has worked for different development organizations like Asian Development Bank, UNDP, World Bank, Swiss Development Cooperation, DANIDA, SAARC Secretariat and DfID in their different assignments. |

Ana Erika Lareza Treasurer | Ana Erika Lareza is a young and emerging evaluator from the Philippines, working as an M&E Specialist at Workland M&E Institute and has conducted evaluation and research particularly in the fields of agriculture, disaster risk management, and environmental sciences. She has extensive experience in communications, graphics design, and social media management that allows her to effectively communicate technical, complex, and abstract information, including evaluation results, through engaging and inclusive visual products. Currently, she is serving as Board Member of the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA), President of Philippine Evaluators for Development (PHILDEV), and is the Co-founder and Co-leader of EvalYouth Asia and of the Asia Pacific Communications Hub. |

Tashi Dendup Board Member | Tashi Dendup is a Young and Emerging Evaluator (YEEs) from Bhutan. He holds Bachelors of Science in Sustainable Development and Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration from Royal University of Bhutan and Royal Institute of Management respectively. He also did multiple certificate courses in Project and Programme management, Monitoring and Evaluation including gender transformative evaluation. He is currently the co-leader for EvalYouth Bhutan and a member for Evaluation Association of Bhutan. As a YEE and M&E enthusiast, he plays an active role in advocating on the importance of M&E and volunteered for its VOPE including the EvalYouth Asia’s p2p initiative. Tashi has about four years of professional work experience in the domain of human resource development and management, project and programme management, and M&E. He worked with government, non-government, regional and international agencies as full time staff and as well as part-time associate consultant. He is the founder of The Kindness Ripple, a passion-driven social club working towards connecting the urban and rural communities of Bhutan through collecting and donating clothes. Tashi has authored and co-authored research articles on Gross National Happiness, Agriculture cooperatives, Culture, environment conservation and community social works for International and national journals, books and magazines. |

Ratnayu Sitaresmi Board Member | Ratnayu Sitaresmi is an anthropologist, graduated as Bachelor of Social Science from Padjadjaran University of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, on 1996, and attained Master of Science in the same major from University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, on 2002. She has been working on social research since 1997 until recently. Since 2004, she started to work in monitoring and evaluation area in Plan International Indonesia, under her responsibility as Research and Development Coordinator at the Country Office then continued as National Research and Development Coordinator. After resigning at 2010, Sitaresmi works as consultant in social research and monitoring and evaluation activities in many issues for many I/NGOs, UN groups, and donor agencies’ programs in Indonesia. Started 2012, she has been joining as active member of Indonesian Development Evaluation Community (InDEC) until now. Recently, she is a board member of InDEC and still active to give contributions to national and local government related with planning and M&E issues as InDEC representative. She is also involved in some APEA’s activities, such as ARFES (ASEAN Regional Framework On Evaluation Standards) on 2016, evaluation seminar, and consultations of evaluation of East Asia sub-region and South East Asia region on 2021. |

Elberel Tumenjargal Board Member | Elberel Tumenjargal is a researcher with over nine years of experience managing research and evaluation projects. She works as a consultant and a researcher with a range of national and international development organizations in Mongolia. She received a bachelor’s degree in social work from the National University of Mongolia. For the next six years, she has worked at the Independent Research Institute of Mongolia (IRIM) where she has coordinated over 50 research, monitoring and evaluation projects for social development programs in Mongolia funded by development organizations. She has led research and evaluations across a range of sectors including education, health, mining, community development, and local government. Also, she received a Fulbright Scholarship funded by the U.S. Department of State based on her experience and competence. She graduated from Georgia State University in 2020 with a Master’s Degree in Public Policy. She is passionate about policy research and evaluation and plans to contribute to initiatives to promote evidence-based practices and a results-oriented culture in developing countries. |