Regional Evaluation Strategy - Updates

Promoting national evaluation policies and systems


The Asia Pacific Regional Dialogue on National Evaluation Policies and Systems (NEPS) 2024


AsiaPacific Evaluation Landscapes Webinar Series(NEPS Webinar Series 2024)

The promoting NEPS theme group of APEA has regularly conducted activities to further the understanding of NEPS in the region by documenting status, hosting webinars to portray best practices, and holding annual dialogues to share and learn from. Continuing this, the theme group presents the NEPS Webinar Series 2024 to understand NEPS in different countries in the region. The book “Institutionalisation of Evaluation in Asia Pacific” recently came out, which documents cases of 11 countries and two multilateral agencies. While some of these countries have previously presented their status in different fora organized by this theme, others have not been discussed earlier. The book also covers more in-depth documentation than the data collected through NEPS surveys, presenting more nuanced findings. It is essential to present these findings to a broader audience and promote cross-learning. With this intention, this webinar series plans to invite authors of the book chapters on different countries to present. A total of 3 webinars are proposed to be held over the year 2024, with three countries presenting at a time in a one-and-a-half (90 minutes) session. These webinars will be branded as the NEPS Webinar Series 2024. Each webinar will present the respective country chapters from the book, followed by a short discussion. A richer understanding of each country’s unique journey is expected to be developed. By learning from each other, VOPEs from each country can take small but crucial steps to institutionalize NEPS further in their country. Tentative Dates of the Webinar

1st23rd April

Australia, Japan, Nepal 


2nd20th August 

Bangladesh, China, Philippines


3rd5th November

India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka



Strong M&E System for Improving Development Results 

(a session on 19th ODA Workshop)

This session explored the diverse approaches in policy evaluation within the Asia-Pacific region, encompassing principles, stakeholder roles, legal frameworks, and institutional arrangements for a comprehensive view of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems aimed at improving development results.




The Asia Pacific Regional Dialogue on National Evaluation Policies and Systems (NEPS) 2022

This was held on Monday, 05 December 2021 from 10.00 am to 12.30 pm IST. This Regional Dialogue was organized by Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA), EvalYouth Asia, Asia Pacific Parliamentarians Forum For Evaluation, Eval4Action Campaign, and the Asia Pacific Communication Hub (APC). The Asia Pacific Regional Evaluation Strategy has eight themes and “Strengthening National Evaluation Policies and Systems” is one of the eight themes. Around 80 participants took part in this Regional Dialogue. The Regional Dialogue was moderated by Rajani Kayastha, theme member of NEPS and Maha Salman, Co Leader of EvalYouth Asia. The14 countries in the region made country presentations on the status of NEPS (Institutional arrangements for evaluation, partnerships for NEPS, and actions for strengthening evaluation ecosystem).

Technical Session on NEPS

As a follow up of the ‘Asia Pacific Regional Dialogue on NEPS’ the team of NEPS theme planned to undertake the technical sessions on NEPS as an initiatory effort to support the understanding of the technicality of NEPS. The first technical session was held Thursday, June 23rd at 11.30am IST.

APEA National Evaluation Policy Survey

APEA aims to provide services to countries in the Asia Pacific Region for the development of their National Evaluation Policies. This survey aimed to study the NEPS, and to create a mapping on the status of NEPS/NEC in the region. Fourteen VOPEs in the region participated to the survey and based on the survey, a report; ‘Study on the Status of National Evaluation Policies and Systems in Asia Pacific Region 2021’ has been published.

Report is available now

The Asia Pacific Regional Dialogue on National Evaluation Policies and Systems (NEPS) 2021

This was held on Monday, 13 December 2021 from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm IST. This Regional Dialogue was organized by Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA), EvalYouth Asia (EYA), Parliamentarians Forum for Development Evaluation-South Asia, Eval4Action Campaign, and the Asia Pacific Communication Hub (APC). The Asia Pacific Regional Evaluation Strategy has eight themes and “Strengthening National Evaluation Policies and Systems” is one of the eight themes. Around 76 participants took part in this Regional Dialogue.

The Regional Dialogue was moderated by Rajani Kayastha, Former Evaluation Specialist of UNICEF and Maha Salman, Capacity Building Task Force, Co-Lead of EvalYouth Pakistan. The objectives of the Regional Dialogue are to

  • Enhance knowledge on National Evaluation Policies and Systems
  • Facilitate sharing of experience and good practices of National Evaluation Policies and Systems from Asia Pacific countries
  • Mobilize country partners for further National Evaluation Policies and Systems
